Over 70 days of construction are behind us! Work is in full swing, and we’re moving forward at a crazy pace!
Since May 22, when we first entered the site and found 3,110 m² of empty space, much has changed. We’ve built 55 separate rooms on the ground floor and the upper floor, and the best part is that each one will soon serve God's Kingdom!
A heartfelt thanks to every giver who responded to God's invitation and the call of the Holy Spirit to sow their finances into this project! Thanks to our united efforts, we are progressing every day, moving closer to our goal of 8,643,652 PLN!
Ahead of us lies the biggest challenge yet! In just two months, we need to raise 3 million PLN! It sounds impossible, but is anything impossible for our God? NO!
We believe we will stand together in this great endeavor and once again witness how faithful our God is!
History is being made before our eyes for Christianity in Poland and Europe!